How do I access DIN recordings?

If you purchased DIN or partner recordings, you'll need to sign in with the email address you used to buy them.

DIN members already have access to our recordings through their membership, and will utilize the same interface described below.

Recordings are NOT available on the summit website, and are only available through

PLEASE NOTE: You must verify U.S. citizenship during our membership enrollment period in order to access our content, even if you only purchased access to recordings. We utilize PassBase to verify the legitimacy of an American passport, which confirms the citizenship of our members as well as anyone with access to recordings.

Here is how you will access the recordings for DIN.

After you login to our website, please look in the top right corner for the "Videos Search" option. ** You will not see this option if you have not verified your U.S. Citizenship. ** ** To verify your U.S. Citizenship, please click the account tab and follow the directions found elsewhere in our FAQ. **

Click on "Videos Search" to enable the new video search bar. videos-search-bar.jpg

Click on the text box to enter a search term in the side bar. Press "return" or "enter" to submit this query. din-video-search-box.jpg

Click on the search result where you want to playback the search term, where the audio is referenced. din-search-tyndall-search-result.jpg

The content will begin playback shortly before the keyword is mentioned. din-search-tyndall-zides.jpg

If you want to enter full screen mode, click once on the video frame (which may pause playback) and select the full screen button in the lower right corner of the video element. din-search-tyndall-fullscreen.jpg

Clicking on the "1x" option will allow you to increase or decrease playback speed of the content. din-search-tyndall-playbackspeed.jpg

You may click on the gear icon to enable captions and also change the video quality, which affects bitrate and bandwidth. The default setting of "Auto" will automatically adjust the quality of your playback if your available internet bandwidth fluctuates or deteriorates. din-search-tyndall-captions.jpg

Click on the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner to search again through the entire transcript of the video. din-search-tyndall-search.jpg

You may also scroll through the entire transcript once you've clicked on the magnifying glass and selectively click on the section of the transcript to automatically fast forward or rewind the video to that section where the content matches.

Last updated on 23rd September 2020 by DIN

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